ERP Custom manufacturing and digital transformation

A new industrial revolution is underway. Digital technologies are pushing manufacturers to embrace data and develop new business models. Custom manufacturing is gaining momentum in this market, and organizations must leverage enabling technologies, such as enterprise resource planning syst

The digital transformation movement is becoming one of the most disruptive forces in manufacturing. Kimberly Knickle, research vice president for IT Priorities and Strategy at IDC, explained in a study that new digital technologies are driving manufacturers of all sizes to change at an alarming rate.
The role of digital technology in manufacturing is being transformed, and this trend is particularly evident in the growing importance of flexible and efficient ERP software. ERP provides a powerful, cloud-based ERP platform that businesses of all sizes can use to optimize workflows, automate business processes, and create the data value chain needed to balance supply and demand in a custom manufacturing environment.
An ERP system is a two-tier cloud ERP that provides end-to-end capabilities that enable organizations to transform their inventory and supply chain management processes into a vital part of their business. Customization is easy, but not necessary because of our strong feature set and ability to integrate with professional systems, such as a digital design platform that houses product plans.
Custom manufacturing is pushing organizations to change their production and supply chain practices faster than ever before, and can provide the digital back-end needed not only to keep up with this disruption but to make progress.
Why are custom manufacturers turning to ERP software solutions
The primary enabler of the manufacturer/customer relationship is the ERP system, in which stakeholders in each functional area on both sides of the transaction can view, adjust, and report on the entire production process.


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