Three-dimensional protection, high-tech services can not be less

The causes of myopia in children and adolescents are complex, which also means that the prevention and control of myopia requires the joint efforts of education authorities, schools, parents, children, and medical institutions to create a healthy eye environment.

The causes of myopia in children and adolescents are complex, which also means that the prevention and control of myopia requires the joint efforts of education authorities, schools, parents, children, and medical institutions to create a healthy eye environment.


In addition, in recent years, the popularity of electronic products has become an "accomplice" of childrens glasses. But there are also some cases that show that the same use of electronic products, some countries myopia rate is not so prominent than our country.


The reporter's investigation learned that foreign schools pay more attention to students' outdoor activities, in addition to organizing sports activities, but also "force" children to leave the computer and books. For example, Australian children spend 3-4 hours outdoors every day; The UK has a regular vision examination mechanism, and in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies will provide free vision examination and optometry services; Germany attaches importance to children's natural vision management and myopia prevention, schools in addition to regularly organize students to climb the height and look far, will also let children wear "witch" glasses, so that they experience the inconvenience of blurred eyes, understand the causes of myopia.


"Physical exercise is currently the most economical and effective way to prevent and control myopia." Li Li, director of the ophthalmology department of Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, said that during daytime outdoor activities, ultraviolet light can promote the secretion of dopamine, which can inhibit the growth of the eye axis and effectively control the development of myopia.


Clinical studies have also confirmed that outdoor activity for two hours a day or 10 hours a week can effectively reduce the probability of myopia occurrence and development.


"Schools should start by ensuring that students have outdoor activities for at least one hour a day, doing eye exercises twice a day, monitoring students' eye behavior, and providing proper diet." Central China Normal University first affiliated high school director Wang Yifang said.


"Teenagers themselves should also conduct self-management from five dimensions: eye distance, eye time, environmental light intensity, outdoor activity time, and eye Angle." Yang Zhikuan, professor of Aier School of Ophthalmology, Central South University, reminded that if the child has the phenomenon of "tilting the head and squinting" and "blurred vision", parents should not be taken lightly, and should go to a professional eye hospital for examination, and the doctor will give the child myopia prevention and control program.


In order to "protect" the bright eyes, Chinese scientific researchers have also joined the ranks of polishing the "soul window". For example, at the recently held "China International Ophthalmology and Vision Science Transformation and Innovation Forum", a vision science incubator was born, which encourages the industry to take out the "whimsy" of "protecting the eyes" to "incubate", in order to promote the transformation of ophthalmology research results to the clinic, and ultimately benefit the "small glasses" group.


"Only by working together to ensure that children have enough time outdoors during the day, maintain correct reading and writing posture, control the time they use electronic products, ensure adequate sleep and proper nutrition can we jointly protect their bright future." Yang Zhikuan said.

Tina Yuu

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